Game Consoles for All

Much has changed in the video gaming world since the debut of the Xbox 360 back in November of 2005. The release of the Xbox as a valid competitor to the Sony PlayStation and the Nintendo Wii has left games console buyers with a real headache when it comes to deciding which one to choose. Games consoles have been popular since the heyday of the late, great Atari 2600, with its blocky graphics and super-simple games that bought video gaming entertainment into our homes for the first time. Over the years, gaming consoles have developed awesome...

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Shopping for Computers

Searching for a new computer can be like looking for the perfect mate. We all have our own set of needs that must be met and we are willing to compromise when needed, especially when it comes to the budget. When we finally find the perfect computer, we know we are in it for the long haul—or until dead batteries and broken motherboards tear us apart. So the question now is, how do find that “perfect” computer? Although it would have been difficult to imagine in the past, computers nowadays come in different types, sizes, colors and has...

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Televisions Today

Televisions have been around since the 1920s and since then, they have become a staple appliance at home, in the office, in vehicles, malls, advertisements, etc. Televisions have become a source of information such as news and entertainment. The popularity of televisions has also paved the way for the development of video cassettes, DVDs, CDs, laser discs, and the like. The television became a medium for playback of broadcast and recorded materials. Nowadays, it also functions as a screen for computers and it has become available online...

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